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Trevelyan Street

A street with a story

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More About Trevelyan Street

Our Story


Trevelyan Street stands as a testament to Melbourne's rich historical tapestry, weaving together the past and present in a captivating urban corridor. Nestled within the heart of this bustling city, the street exudes a unique charm that resonates with both locals and visitors alike. Lined with a diverse array of architectural styles, from Victorian-era terraces to sleek modern structures, Trevelyan Street embodies the city's evolution through time. As one strolls along its cobblestone sidewalks, the juxtaposition of old and new becomes palpable, offering a visual narrative of Melbourne's growth and transformation. The street's dynamic character is further accentuated by the myriad of establishments that call it home – artisanal coffee shops coexisting with innovative tech startups, quaint boutiques adjacent to contemporary art galleries. Moreover, Trevelyan Street's strategic location facilitates seamless connections to other iconic landmarks, making it not just a destination, but a vital conduit in Melbourne's intricate urban network. In essence, Trevelyan Street encapsulates the essence of Melbourne – a harmonious blend of heritage and progress, where tradition intertwines with innovation, creating a vibrant and ever-evolving streetscape that encapsulates the city's spirit.


We Put Your Needs First

Transaksi pembayaran

Your friendly neighbourhood

Usaha kecil

A Place to Call Home.

Opening Hours

Come Visit

Because we are a residential street, we're open 24.7

Get in Touch

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